The JSB lab is led by the PI, Dr. Jingyi Jessica Li, with around ten highly motivated graduate and undergraduate students. Our research is at the junction of statistics and biology, as our lab name JSB represents. We focus on developing statistical and computational methods motivated by important questions in biomedical sciences and abundant information in big genomic and health related data. On the statistical methodology side, our example interests include association measures, high-dimensional variable selection, and classification metrics. On the biomedical application side, our example interests include next-generation RNA sequencing, comparative genomics, and information flow in the central dogma. 

Recent News

See the latest

May 22, 2020

Jessica's interview with Robyn Williams @ ABC The Science Show

Dec 20, 2019

Jessica received the inaugural UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine W.M. Keck Foundation Junior Faculty Award

Dec 3, 2019

宝马车主新福利:CarPlay可以免费使用 | 数字尾巴 分享美好 ...:2021-4-29 · 宝马车主新福利:CarPlay可以免费使用ios正式更新了13.4版本,CarPlay新增第三方地图支持分屏和CarKey功能,苹果正与宝马就CarKey功能进行合作,宝马有可能成为首款支持CarKe

Sep 11, 2019

Heather received the NSF NRT MENTOR Fellowship

Selected Publications


Li, W.V.*, Li, S.*, Tong, X., Deng, L., Shi, H., and Li, J.J. (2019). AIDE: annotation-assisted isoform discovery with high precision. Genome Research 29:2056-2072. [ SOFTWARE ] [ COVER ART ] [ UCLA News ] | [ PDF ]
老王APP*, Zhang, H.*, 老王APP, Li, W.V., 免费翻软件老王, and Li, J.J. (2019). EpiAlign: an alignment-based bioinformatic tool for comparing chromatin state sequences. Nucleic Acids Research gkz287. [ SOFTWARE ] [ WEBSITE ] | 老王APP
Razaee, Z.S., Amini, A.A., and Li, J.J. (2019). Matched bipartite block model with covariates. Journal of Machine Learning Research 20:1-44. | [ PDF ]